Sunday, October 21, 2018

Taking Note

I've been blogging about making your writing more literary.  One important trick is to carry around a notebook, a computer, or something else with which to take notes.  If a turn of phrase, a wordplay, a snippet of conversation, a crazy dream, or a flash of inspiration strike, it's a good idea to get it down right away.  When you don't, you may just lose it forever. 

This isn't necessarily a literary writer thing so much as an every writer thing.  You never know when the Muse will strike.  When it does, you will want to make sure you're ready.  Don't even worry that you're writing it down right or what form it will eventually take.  The important thing is you're telling your subconscious that you're seeking thoughts and ideas. 

If you're after one kind of inspiration, it may help to write it down at the top of the page.  For instance, if you're looking for quirky dialogue, write that at the top of the page.  If something seems to play into a particular section of your work, write down a note about it, maybe how that part could fit in.  Also, with your notebook on hand, if something really inspires you, you can do a free write right there, perhaps turn it into a piece of fiction, a poem, or something else.  If you don't have one yet, go get yourself a notebook and start on this right away. 

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