Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Treasure

I found a treasure whose scope I didn't remember.  Two decades ago, I wrote my life's history--in some detail, as it turns out.  I just remembered writing it, not what was there.  I have started rereading it, and I've learned so much that I didn't recall.  I see teachers' names, classes I was in, things I did that was younger, and all sorts of details that, twenty years later, had disappeared from my memory.

I highly recommend that you write down your life to date because you never know what you will forget in a few years.  My memory isn't particularly good, but this kind of memory slippage can happen to anyone.  Write your life now, up to now.  Write about your early childhood, youth, and adulthood in as much detail as you can.  If possible, have others around you do likewise, especially older generations.  When my grandma was about to pass, I sat and interviewed her.  I'm thankful for what I learned.  One day, these writings may be your treasures and maybe your descendants' treasures, too.  

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